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Horse shopping in Hamburg < HSH >

Life Equestrian

What is it like to go to Germany and pick out a pony? I’m about to find out!!

I have been so lucky and fortunate to have the opportunity to join my trainer as she picks out a few horses to bring home. This is my trial year so I get to get a feel for what’s available then set my budget for the next trip. Who knows, maybe I will find one this trip, hey a girl can dream right!?!

It’s with mixed emotions that I am landing in Hamburg, while I am over the moon excited as I get to mark this off my bucket list, Im also a little freaked out. What if the horses are nothing that Im used to? Do they have a sound mind? How high are we going to jump?

All of this passes through my mind, then I breath and realize that I’m taking this trip with my trainer who knows what the heck she is doing and knows what I can handle. So I start to get excited, like I’m about to get in the ring….you know those nervous butterflies that are rearing to go??

So with one gulp, I land in Hamburg and take this trip one moment at a time, one barn at a time building a lifetime of memories that will always be with me. With many thanks for my boyfriend for believing in me and my dream of riding for letting this experience take place… If I didn’t have a team of support I wouldn’t be here and for that I am forever grateful… Stay tuned for more posts about horse shopping in Hamburg.

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